Friday, April 13
1:00pm – 8:00pm (dinner is included)
Why Advocating and Educating Is Essential for Change
Why Advocating and Educating Is Essential for Change
- Troy Casey is obsessed with awakening the world to living a healthy, vibrant, and loving life. Teaching holistic health, self care, and our symbiotic relationship to the planet Earth, he inspires conscious choice and the power of “Voting with YOUR Dollars” to create a health-happy world and the future for mankind. You will thoroughly enjoy Troy’s presentation on how his personal health challenges turned to advocating for change. Troy travels the world spreading his message through public appearances, his health practice, and retreats. Learn how you too can influence change by creating awareness in your community and through your practice.
- Presented by Troy Casey
- Glyphosate exposure has increase since Roundup® Ready GMO crops were adopted. Exposing the health consequences of glyphosates, Dave Murphy has researched and written extensively on the dangers of glyphosate residues found not only in our food, and we can now test and find harmful levels in our urine, breastmilk, rainwater, rivers, tap water, and tampons. Join us to hear how an article became a project to create a film exposing the health consequences of glyphosates.
- Presented by Dave Murphy
- The need for intervention and innovation for the increasing rise of chronic illness has never been greater. According to the CDC, more than half of all adults have one or more chronic health condition. Explore with Suzanne Espinoza what and who is driving intervention for solutions.
- Presented by Suzanne Espinoza
Saturday, April 14
8:15am – 5:00pm (lunch is included)
Unraveling the Progression of Disease
Unraveling the Progression of Disease
- Disease never sneaks up on people and strikes them down. It takes a long time and a great deal of neglect and abuse of the body for disease to finally occur. From the first stage of disease to the seventh (i.e., cancer), many years may elapse. The increasing number of symptoms we experience are the body’s warning signs that changes need to be made or else the situation will deteriorate further. But at any stage you can stop the disease’s process and simultaneously end all the aches, pains, and ill health. Learn the Seven Stages of Disease and what nutrition and enzyme therapy solutions will help you with your most common and challenging patients.
- Presented by Dr. DicQie Fuller
- Glyphosate is the world’s most commonly used herbicide, especially in the United States. Glyphosate is highly controversial with serious concerns being raised about its safety. Transformation’s lead researcher Dr. Milton Bastidas will highlight his findings in our Glyphosate and Leaky Gut Study using Transformation’s 63-day protocol to restore gut function with proper diet and nutrition and enzyme therapy. He will explain the results you can expect to see in your own practice, how to identify the signs of leaky gut, what testing to consider, and protocols for healing gut permeability and reducing toxicity.
- Presented by Dr. Milton Bastidas
- One has to wonder, based on recent statistics, whether the evolution of mankind might be reversing itself. The rise in morbidity and mortality rates among children is staggering. These statistics are truly alarming in terms of what the future holds for the health and wellbeing of our youth. Learn how pediatrician Dr. Paula Kruppstadt combats these illnesses using the microbiome to influence host gene expression, thus providing her patients with better disease management and treatment.
- Presented by Dr. Paula Kruppstadt
- A sizeable number of patients and their practitioners still believe that stress has only a slight impact on their physical and mental health. On average, twenty-nine percent of adults believe they are doing an excellent or very good job at managing or reducing stress. This disconnect is cause for concern. Dr. Joseph Feste will walk us through actual case studies, what he has found to be the most effective ways to identify stress, and the clinical approaches he has used in his years of experience in proper diagnosis and treatment of stress and its related diseases.
- Presented by Dr. Joseph Feste
- The problem of hormonal imbalance is often oversimplified. This lack of support leaves women with one-size-fits-all solutions that do not get to the root of their symptoms or offer lasting results. Our bodies are already equipped with the natural potential to maintain hormonal balance for life. They just need to receive the right support so they can carry out this task on an ongoing basis. Learn how proper digestive support and herbs can work in harmony to give the body what it needs to regulate the ebb and flow of hormones.
- Presented by Dr. Tamyra Comeaux
Sunday, April 15
8:00am – 1:00pm (brunch is included)
Cancer and Why We Should No Longer Fear It
Cancer and Why We Should No Longer Fear It
- “You have Cancer” is the sentence no doctor wants to say and no patient wants to hear. Approximately 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes. While rates of cancer continue to rise, the cure continues to be something sought out by all spectrums of the medical community. But what if someone told you that there was a solution? Learn more as Dr. Rolf Habersang takes us through his holistic approach to supporting the body in its ability to cure itself by means of cleaning up the environment around the cells.
- Presented by Dr. Rolf Habersang
- Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Paleo, Jenny Craig, Keto, etc. There is no shortage of fad diets that we have not tried. Through cultural innovation and changes in habitat and ecology, there have been a number of major dietary shifts in human evolution, including meat eating, cooking, and those associated with plant and animal domestication. Each individual person has slightly different ways of using nutrients and needs different relative amounts of these raw materials. Learn as Dr. DicQie Fuller takes us through the evolution of diet, her discovery of Biochemical Individualism, and how she came to use Body Typing to determine the proper diet for her patients.
- Presented by Dr. DicQie Fuller
- As practitioners it is important to understand that, when it comes to nutrition, we are all unique. Have you had situations where some patients do well and feel great on a particular diet, yet others placed on the same diet may feel worse or even gain weight? That is because you are genetically unique! No one program can possibly work for everyone. We have different body shapes which each relate to different basic enzyme needs. We are born with specific traits, such as the way we are shaped, the food cravings we have, specific personality traits, and the powerful energy and drive that we feel when we are in balance. Learn how Biochemical Individualism is an exciting and innovative system for bringing about a real transformation.
- Presented by Amy Rawls, MS, RDN, LD